Pavillon Porte de Versailles

37 rue du Hameau, Eiffel Tower, Paris, 75014

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Located opposite the main entrance of the Porte de Versailles Convention centre the 3* Pavillon Porte de Versailles is within a few minutes walk of the Vaugirard area with its many boutiques, cafes and restaurants. The Palais des Sports, which hosts many concerts and exhibitions is only a 5 minute walk from the hotel. With a Metro station only a 2 minute walk from the Pavillon Porte de Versailles tourist attractions such as the Bastille, Notre Dame and Montparnasse can be easily reached. Infos supplémentaires.


0805 110780
Lun-Jeu: 9am-11pm
Ven: 9am-9pm
Sam: 10am-6.30pm
Dim: 11am- 10pm

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Note globale 88%


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"Definitely Recommend"