Villa Saxe Eiffel

9 Villa de Saxe, Eiffel Tower, Paris, 75007

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Villa Saxe Eiffel is a charming boutique hotel, located within the greenery at the end of a small mews. The hotel is close to Les Invalides, the headquarters of UNESCO and the famous Eiffel Tower is a mere 20 minutes` walk away. For guests looking to explore the city, Ségur and Saint-François-Xavier Metro stations are both within a 10 minute walk, with Gare Montparnasse train station only 20 minute`s walk from the hotel. The hotel is situated in an unrivalled position on the Left Bank between the Eiffel Tower and Montparnasse, just a few minutes from Saint Germain des Prés. Infos supplémentaires.


0805 110780
Lun-Jeu: 9am-11pm
Ven: 9am-9pm
Sam: 10am-6.30pm
Dim: 11am- 10pm

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