Holiday Inn Cambridge

Lakeview, Bridge Road, Impington, Cambridge, CB24 9PH

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The Holiday Inn Cambridge is a family-friendly, 4 star hotel ideally located near Cambridge science and business parks. Situated next to a picturesque lake in Impington, just 2 miles north of Cambridge city centre, the hotel offers a peaceful stay in the rolling countryside. Cambridge is well known for its beautiful architecture, majestic college buildings and historic market place alongside a fantastic range of shops and restaurants, all of which are within easy reach of the hotel. The hotels location also provides easy access to the A14, putting it just 20 minutes to Newmarket Racecourse and just 35 minutes to Stanstead Airport. Infos supplémentaires.


0805 110780
Lun-Jeu: 9am-11pm
Ven: 9am-9pm
Sam: 10am-6.30pm
Dim: 11am- 10pm

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