Holiday Inn Express Gatwick - Crawley

The Squareabout, Haslett Avenue East, Crawley, Gatwick, RH10 1UA

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The 3 star Holiday Inn Express Gatwick-Crawley is located just a 12 minute drive from Gatwick Airport and is within easy walking distance of Crawley town centre, also with nearby access to Three Bridges Station guests can be in Central London within 40 minutes or the seaside resort of Brighton in 25 minutes. Crawley town centre has a large range of shopping from high street favourites to small independent retailers as well as a large number of bars and restaurants. Infos supplémentaires.


0805 110780
Lun-Jeu: 9am-11pm
Ven: 9am-9pm
Sam: 10am-6.30pm
Dim: 11am- 10pm

Avis de clients


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Avis de clients:


"5 stars"