Hard Days Night Hotel

Central Buildings, North John Street, Liverpool City Centre, Liverpool, L2 6RR

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Room was really quite small for something considered as deluxe.Requested early breakfast both at the time of booking and on check in. However when I went to eat at 07:00 I was told by reception that there was no early breakfast and it would only be possible to eat at 08:00. So I hung around for an hour and threw some scrambled egg inside me. As I was running the marathon eating at the right time was important. As such, for the first 4 miles I had terrible indigestion and billiousness. It also affected my pace by about a minute a mile. I felt unwell.Positive. The reception ladies were very helpful. For over £200 it was a very expensive and overpriced hotel room with not great service.


0805 110780
Lun-Jeu: 9am-11pm
Ven: 9am-9pm
Sam: 10am-6.30pm
Dim: 11am- 10pm

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